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Who We Are

The Wisconsin Chinese Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the support and growth of minority/Chinese businesses in Wisconsin. Backed by a diverse business assistance program grant, we're able to provide a powerful suite of digital marketing services designed to elevate our members presence in the online space, thereby boosting their potential for success.


What We Do

At the Wisconsin Chinese Chamber of Commerce, we blend innovative digital marketing strategies with robust, community-focused initiatives to support our members. Our key goal is to amplify the visibility and growth of our member businesses. To achieve this, we leverage state-of-the-art techniques in social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and web development, ensuring our members stay ahead in the dynamic business world. But our support doesn't stop at the digital frontier. We also forge networking opportunities, connecting our members with the broader business community. By organizing regular events, informative webinars, and skill-building sessions, we create a platform for continuous learning and growth. Further, we are committed to engaging with the wider community and building fruitful partnerships with educational institutions, financial establishments, and local government agencies. This way, we bring additional resources and opportunities to our members, facilitating a diverse and vibrant business ecosystem in Wisconsin.

Why We Do It

Our mission at the Wisconsin Chinese Chamber of Commerce is to empower and support our minority/Chinese businesses in Wisconsin, facilitating their growth and success in an increasingly globalized world. While we recognize the importance of digital marketing as a key tool for visibility and growth in today's digital era, our commitment goes far beyond that. We understand that business success is not just about online presence, but also about community, connection, and access to resources. This is why we are dedicated to creating a strong network of partnerships, offering opportunities for businesses to connect, learn from one another, and grow together. Additionally, we are committed to advocating for our members, ensuring their interests are represented and their voices are heard. We work closely with educational institutions, financial establishments, and government agencies to bring more opportunities to our members. At the end of the day, we aim to foster an environment where businesses can thrive, connections are formed, cultural heritage is cherished, and our members feel supported in all aspects of their business journey. Because we believe that when our members succeed, our community becomes stronger and more vibrant.


Our services - Empowering Your Business Journey


Business Networking: Regular meetups, events, and online platforms for networking, idea sharing, and collaboration among member businesses.

Business Development Support: Guidance and resources for starting, operating, and growing a business, including information about local, state, and federal regulations, funding opportunities, etc.

Workshops & Training: Regular workshops and training sessions on various business-related topics, led by industry experts.

Community Engagement: Opportunities for members to participate in and contribute to local community events, initiatives, and charitable causes.

Advocacy: Representation and advocacy for member businesses at local, state, and federal levels, on issues affecting the Chinese business community.

Promotional Opportunities: Advertising and promotional opportunities through our newsletter, website, social media channels, and events. 

Discounts and Benefits: Exclusive member discounts and benefits from partnering businesses and organizations.

Partner & Sponsor Opportunities: Opportunities to sponsor WCCC events and programs, or to partner with us on initiatives that benefit the WCCC community.

Resources & Information: Regular updates on local business news, opportunities, and resources via our website, newsletter, and social media channels.

Member Services: Assistance with various business-related tasks such as translations, document preparation, etc., subject to the nature and scope of the service.

Digital Marketing Support Through Grant Program: The WCCC, through the Diverse Business Assistance Program Grant, provides comprehensive digital marketing support for our member businesses.

This includes search engine optimization (SEO) to increase your website's visibility, Google Ads campaign management to promote your products or services to a wider audience, social media marketing across multiple platforms including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube to boost your online presence, content marketing to engage your target audience, website development and optimization to enhance user experience, email marketing to keep your customers informed and engaged, video production for YouTube to create engaging and informative content, and analytics to measure and optimize the performance of your digital marketing efforts.

Cultural Exchanges: Organizing cultural events to foster understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture in the local community.

Contact Us

6027 W Vliet St, Wauwatosa, WI 53213  |  Tel: (414) 409-6288

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